Past Exhibits


IMG_8279 2My World
Beverly McCutcheon

IMG_8278 2

There's An Angel Among Us
Beverly McCutcheon

IMG_8277 2

Maria Luis Estrela

IMG_8276 2

Ruby Bridges
Tino F Cook

IMG_8275 2Sojourner Truth
Tino F Cook

IMG_8273 2

Maya Angelou
Tino F Cook

IMG_8272 2Maya Angelou
Tino F Cook

IMG_8298 2Abstract Ancestry 2
Jeffrey Brooks

IMG_8297 2Sing With Me
Steve Green

IMG_8296 2Me Myself and I

IMG_8295 2Too Marvelous For Words

IMG_8294 2Sophisticated Lady

IMG_8293 2Autumn In NY

IMG_8292 2The Mood That I'm In

IMG_8291 2Perfume of New York in Venetian Container
Kaaren Patterson

IMG_8290 2Stabat Mater
Kaaren Patterson

IMG_8289 2Slave Safe House in Ghana
Kaaren Patterson

IMG_8288 2Safe House in Tindari
Kaaren Patterson

IMG_8287 2I Wear My Freedom On My Back
Steve Green

IMG_8286 2Midnight
Steve Green

IMG_8285 2Paris and Pedicures
Steve Green

IMG_8284 2Break
Steve Green

IMG_8283 2My Radio
Steve Green

IMG_8282 2Abstract Ancestry
Jeffrey Brooks

IMG_8281 2Call Me Eartha 
Beverly McCutcheon

IMG_8280 2I am Known as Raven
Beverly McCutcheon
