Division of Engineering

The Engineer Division's responsibilities include the design and construction management for improvements to the City's infrastructure and properties, including streets, parks, waterways, and sanitary and stormwater systems. The Division is also responsible for the permitting and inspection of improvements on private properties especially work related to or impacting stormwater drainage, flood control, grading, as well as sidewalks, curbs, and driveway aprons. The Division provides guidance and technical support regarding conditions and improvements within the City's floodplain and flood fringe areas and supports mitigation activities and programs to reduce flood insurance premiums for the City's residents and property owners. The Division also prepares and maintains maps of the City's lots, address numbers, tax blocks/lots, and utilities. These responsibilities are all managed, while diligently applying for and receiving grants and funding from outside sources.

***Water Quality Assurance Initiative ("WQAI")***

In 2022, the City of Rahway initiated the Water Quality Assurance Initiative ("WQAI").  The primary objective of the WQAI is to remove all lead and galvanized water service lines for every property in Rahway as quickly and efficiently as possible, with the lowest cost impact to water customers and property owners.  Please click on the link above to see various publications that have been released from the City regarding same.

Rahway Engineering Department Construction Projects

Information on Active and Pending Construction Projects will be posted here and periodically updated.  The link below contains information on projects administered by the Engineering Department of the City of Rahway as well as Union County, the State of New Jersey, or large-scale projects from utility companies. 

View Active and Pending Construction Projects here.

Engineering Reviews

Engineering review and approvals are required prior to constructing any improvements within a flood hazard area, require grading or soil moving, or significantly impacts stormwater drainage on the subject or adjacent properties.

View Engineering Review Application (PDF) and Guidelines (PDF).

Right-of-Way Opening Permits

Road Opening Permits are required when a private resident, company, or utility company needs to repair or replace infrastructure or items or requires access within the City's Right-of-Way areas. The Right-of-Way areas include sidewalks, driveway aprons, curbs, grass strips, and municipal roadways.

View Forms and Instructions for obtaining a Right-of-Way Opening Permit here.

Flood Hazard Information

The Engineering Division participates in the County's Hazard Mitigation Program, the DEP's Community Rating System while working to stabilize the waterways and adjacent flood areas.

View Flood Hazard Information here.

Road & Sidewalk Programs

The Engineering Division manages annual road and sidewalk improvements programs.  Please see the "Active and Pending Construction Projects" link at the top of the page for the latest information on Road & Sidewalk Program projects.

Sanitary and Stormwater Sewer System Maintenance & Improvements

In partnership with the City's Department of Public Works, the Engineering Division maintains, repairs, and improves the sewer systems to meet the demands of the City's occupants and the environment.

Rahway Water Utility - Managed by Veolia-Rahway 

The City's water utility is operated, managed, and maintained by Veolia.  Please click on this link for important updates or announcements regarding the water system.  Follow the link above to see if your service line consists of lead or galvanized components.

Outside Agency Construction Projects

Projects that are proposed or in progress within the City, managed by other agencies such as Union County, the State of New Jersey, or large-scale projects from utility companies will be provided here.

View project information here.