2021 Road Improvements
Earlier this year Mayor Giacobbe and the Rahway City Council approved the 2021 Road Improvement program, which is partially funded by a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The City has made significant progress with resurfacing some of our most damaged roadways. Annually, the streets are selected based on several factors including, but not limited to, potholes, asphalt cracking, and structural stability. Weather permitting, the City’s Engineering Division is set to complete the roads listed below by the end of this year.
- Carriage Way
- Church Street (from West Lincoln Avenue to West Scott Avenue)
- Cross Street (W Hazelwood to Maple Ave)
- Donald Avenue (from Whittier Street to Price Street);
- Elm Avenue (from Irving Street to Esterbrook Avenue);
- Fulton Street (from East Hazelwood Avenue to East Emerson Avenue)
- Jaques Avenue (West Inman Avenue to Maple Avenue)
- Jefferson Avenue #1 (Trussler Place to Stone Street)
- Jefferson Avenue #2 (West Milton Avenue to Harris Drive)
- Jefferson Avenue #3 (Central Avenue to Nicholas Place)
- Ludlow Street (from Elinor Place to West Lincoln Avenue)
- Madison Avenue (Westfield Avenue to Stone Street)
- Main Street (Elizabeth Avenue to Elm Avenue)
- Maple Avenue (Madison Avenue to St. Georges Avenue)
- Price Street (from Kearny Avenue to West Lincoln Avenue);
- Stanley Place (St Georges to Jefferson)
- Union Street (from Newton Street to dead end);
- West Hazelwood Avenue (Old Lake Avenue to St. Georges Avenue)
- Whittier Street (from West Grand Avenue to Union Street)