U-Visas and T-Visas
Individuals seeking information related to obtaining a U-Visa or a T-Visa are encouraged to review the "U and T-Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide" issued by the Federal Office of Homeland Security.
Please read Rahway Police Departments Policies and Procedures relating to U & T Visa's: Here
For Municipal U-Visa/T-Visa Information, please contact:
CLEO Capt. Shawn Ganley
1 City Hall Plaza
Rahway, NJ 07065
County U-Visa/T-Visa information, please contact:
Union County Prosecutor's Office
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy
32 Rahway Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 07202
E-Mail: unionvw@ucpo.org
Phone: 908-527-4596
Fax Number: 908-558-2587